Spine Phantom

IGRT/SGRT QA – Spine Phantom

Spine phantom (1. Body part), constructed using CTs provided by the end-user (2. CT choice) with IC inserts (3. Dosimeter choice), oriented perpendicular to the axial plane (4. Orientation) including a specially constructed surface intended for SGRT QA and metal spheres within the bones for CT imaging reference points (5. Extra features).


These customized  solutions can also accommodate small  metal  spheres  at  any  desired  or  predefined location  acting  as  reference  points  visible  in  CT,  CBCT, MV, and X-ray  imaging. The external surface of the phantoms can be modified to simulate realistic external morphological characteristics, with dull surfaces that minimize artifacts and unwanted reflections of optical imaging. The end-users can also perform point and 2D dose measurements using appropriate inserts that fit into the phantoms.

Proton Therapy QA – Spine Phantom

Spine phantom (1. Body part), constructed using CTs provided by the end-user (2. CT choice) with IC inserts (3. Dosimeter choice), oriented perpendicular to the axial plane (4. Orientation) including titanium implants within and around the spinal bone structures (5. Extra features).

A customized spine phantom to accommodate titanium implants and ion chamber insert was constructed. The phantom is intended for proton therapy QA based on a real clinical case of a male patient. Ion chamber inserts oriented at designated areas by the end user were positioned close to metal implants to evaluate their effect in the dose deposited.

Customized SBRT Phantom – Contouring/Targeting tumor and film measurement

Spine phantom (1. Body part),constructed using CTs provided by RTsafe (2. CT choice) with IC, Film and Gel inserts (3. Dosimeter choice), oriented in the sagittal plane (4. Orientation),Tumor sphere inside an insert (5. Extra features).

This customized phantom was used to perform film measurements on a proper insert to evaluate 2D dose distribution in and around a tumor.

The Phantom includes:

  • 3D polymer gel dosimetry insert combined with 3D dosimetry service: Cylinder of 100 mm height and Ø 80 mm
  • Film dosimetry cassette with 4 metal pins for registration purposes in 2 different orientations: sagittal or coronal. Cylinder of 100 mm height, Ø 80 mm and low-Density material. Can accommodate an hemisphere of Ø 15 mm each side.
  •  Ion chamber/diode/diamond detector dosimetry insert: 100 mm plug of Ø 2mm.




Customized SBRT Phantom – Film and IC measurements in spinal cord


Spine (1. Body part), constructed using CTs provided by RTsafe (2. CT choice) with IC/Film inserts (3. Dosimeter choice), oriented to the sagittal plane (4. Orientation).


This customized phantom was used to evaluate the dose in the spinal cord using both film and ion chamber insert.

The Phantom includes:

  • Fixed film dosimetry kit: 21x80x100 mm. Materia: Real water
  • Different Ion Chamber inserts. Material: PMMA
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