RTsafe and NYU Langone Medical Center to collaborate in research for patient‐specific QA protocol for frameless ELEKTA Gamma Knife Icon treatments
25April 2017NYU Langone Medical Center and RTsafe P.C. are collaborating on a research project for the potential dosimetric validation of mask‐based radiosurgery using pseudo‐in‐vivo 3D dosimetry and ion chamber phantoms, (see images below), developed by RTsafe.
The proposed study will test two questions related to dose delivery during cranial radiosurgery: first, what is the dosimetric accuracy of frameless Gamma Knife treatment delivery, and second, how does mask‐based irradiation with the Gamma Knife Icon compare with frame‐based gamma knife radiosurgery data and VARIAN Edge frameless SRS data.
The main research collaborators from NYU Langone include:
- K. Sunshine Osterman, PhD, DABR, Medical Physicist, Department of Radiation Oncology (Principal Investigator)
- Stella Lymberis, MD, Radiation Oncologist, Department of Radiation Oncology (Principal Investigator)
- Pippa Storey, PhD, MRI Physicist, Department of Radiology
- Douglas Kondziolka, MD, Director of Radiosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery and Radiation Oncology
- Indra Das, PhD, DABR, Medical Physicist, Director of Medical Physics, Department of Radiation Oncology
RTsafe’s R&D team is excited to collaborate with the researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center.
The official full-text press release can be accessed here!