
Spine SRS involves a high dose of radiation to tumors of the spine and spinal cord aiming to spare normal surrounding tissues and avoid unwanted side effects. Given that challenge, precise localization and accurate dose delivery is required to avoid critical dose deposition in the spinal cord. Spine phantom is an anthropomorphic 3D-printed phantom that simulates the anatomy of a real lumbar spine case with bone and soft tissue-equivalent materials. With dosimetry options within the vertebrae and the spinal cord is an ideal tool for End-to-End testing in spine radiosurgery treatments during commissioning and periodic QA.
The unique advantage of having realistic bone and soft-tissue contrast in both CT and MR imaging makes Spine an excellent tool for adaptation of advanced spine SRS technique.
RTsafe’s Spine evaluates the overall accuracy and precision in spine radiosurgery.
How it works
CT/MR Imaging

Planning/Dose Calculation

Positioning and Immobilization

Image Guidance

Dose Delivery

Direct Measurements

CT/MR Imaging

Planning/Dose calculation

Positioning and Immobillization

Image guidance

Dose delivery

Direct Measurements

Key Features
- Direct measurements in spinal cord and vertebrae
- Validation of a clinical treatment plan
- Positioning as a patient
- Based on patient’s CT data of lumbar spine
- Realistic bone and soft tissue contrast in CT/MR imaging
- Bone and soft tissue equivalent materials
- Commissioning of Spine SRS hardware and software
- Evaluation of the clinical benefit
- Adaptation of advanced radiosurgery techniques
- Ion Chamber/diode/diamond detector Fixed Position Dosimetry kit
Intended for
- End-to-End QA in spine SRS Applications
- Commissioning and Benchmarking
- Periodic Quality Assurance
- Confidence Building & Training
- Clinical or Academic Research